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male Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
We harness the power of social networking and blast your thoughts, muses, complaints, frustrations, gloats, rhymes and other flavorful compounds all over the internet.
LaughingJoy says
12 years ago
My Life is like a Camera. Focus on Good Times, develop from the negatives and if things dont turn out the way I want it, just take
LaughingJoy says
12 years ago
As soon as I have made a thought, laugh at it..... Lao Tzu...
LaughingJoy says
12 years ago
Now is the time to unite the soul and the world. Now is the time to see the sunlight dancing as one with the shadows.
LaughingJoy says
12 years ago
The art of love contains the art of life, the art of death.. Love is the bridge between life and death.. Sharpen my love skills.
LaughingJoy says
12 years ago
Don't limit my challenges; challenge my limits.
LaughingJoy says
12 years ago
Compassion for others often comes from seeing our own failings in others.
LaughingJoy says
12 years ago
Universe lives within me; what do I search for outside?
LaughingJoy says
12 years ago
The best way to cheer myself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. Mark Twain
LaughingJoy says
12 years ago
Don't grieve. Anything I lose comes round in another form.
LaughingJoy says
12 years ago
Take a broom and sweep someone's house.