155Friends 200Fans
male Viera (on the Space Coast of), FL, United States
Retired Air Force Navigator
Retired Computer Geek
Retired Corporate President
Currently I volunteer as a wild animal handler for an eco-education group.
LChamp says
11 years ago 8
g'morning! Cold front passed's only 73º outside this morning. Not sure what's on the schedule today. That's what retirement is all about...
LChamp says
11 years ago 4
g'morning! I forgot to plurk when I got up.
LChamp says
11 years ago 9
g'morning! Big day ahead...Fly-in Breakfast in the morning and Air Show Planning Meeting in the afternoon. Then, I think a walk on the beach will be in order...
LChamp says
11 years ago 8
g'morning! I get to play tour guide at the museum today. That means I get to walk around telling lots of airplane stories. Great fun!
LChamp says
11 years ago 7
g'morning! We're planning on removing one of the ejection seats from the bomber today. We're hoping to use manpower. If that doesn't work, we will use the crane next week.
LChamp says
11 years ago 3
g'morning. I had to do two shifts as a tour guide yesterday. Lots of walking (almost 20,000 steps) on concrete floors because no other guides showed up for their shift. My legs hurt.
LChamp says
11 years ago 8
g'morning! It's starting out warm, 82º at 5am. I'll be at the museum all day today, working on the bomber in the morning and guiding tours in the afternoon. We have to recruit more tour guides.
LChamp says
11 years ago 3
I got one of those fitbit thingies I'll see if they do any good. It will be interesting to see how it compares with my 'map my walk' app. just a toy.
LChamp says
11 years ago 8
g'morning! Patti has lots of errands to run today...I just may go to the museum...or walk in a nature refuge...or...
LChamp says
11 years ago 9
gee...I forgot to g'morning yesterday. So, g'morning today.