155Friends 200Fans
male Viera (on the Space Coast of), FL, United States
Retired Air Force Navigator
Retired Computer Geek
Retired Corporate President
Currently I volunteer as a wild animal handler for an eco-education group.
LChamp says
5 years ago 10
just checking in after 5 years...anyone here?
LChamp says
10 years ago 7
g'morning! Fly-in breakfast and free Veterans Day Open House at the museum today. Should be a madhouse...lots of spinning props and kids running around. Safety First!
LChamp says
10 years ago 10
g'morning. It's another cool morning at the beach. Warming up to 80 later.
LChamp says
10 years ago 5
g'morning. Cold morning here on the beach.
LChamp says
10 years ago 6
g'morning! it's cold here in Florida. And we start our week at the beach tomorrow. Only 62º this morning, going to 80...
LChamp says
10 years ago 6
g'morning! Cold here this morning. I'm going to have to find my fuzzy long-sleeved shirts.
LChamp says
10 years ago 8
g'morning! We're going to the shooting range today...then beach, gym, pool.
LChamp says
10 years ago 6
g'morning. I'll be working on the bomber at the museum this morning...then beach, gym, pool...
LChamp says
10 years ago 5
g'morning. Today is our monthly luncheon with some internet friends. Mexican restaurant today.
LChamp says
10 years ago 4
g'morning. I think we'll be going to the beach and gym, then home to the pool today.