20Friends 18Fans
female Cainta, Philippines
reirei です
9 years ago
good morning
9 years ago
そういう『ヒビカセ』を歌いたいように歌ってみた looping NO=L's covers while finishing my sociology report
reirei 話す
9 years ago
it's so weird, I swear I put my plurk account into a karma vacation mode.
reirei 話す
9 years ago 7
HI. PLURK. I'm back!
reirei 話す
11 years ago
should change plurk layout tomorrow. will sleep nowww. goodnight ٩(˘◊˘)۶
reirei 話す
11 years ago
uhuhu productive day today? i am not sure /dead waiting for my vocals to be cleaned - drew stuff today for some PV idkkkk uhu
reirei 話す
11 years ago
So I'm trying to be productive - but everyday would be the same day for 3 weeks-- .../PLOPS ON BED AND PLAYS DEAD
reirei 話す
11 years ago
always wanted to try tweeting "kuso" or "kussoooo warota" in japanese but-- .. I don't know it's very unlady-like of me (WHAT) /DEAD HAHAHAHA
Good morning \o
reirei 話す
11 years ago
reirei 話す
11 years ago
exams are done. just relaxing before christmas party then hello 3-week christmas break (* ˘ ³˘)♡