22Friends 10Fans
male Den Bosch, Netherlands
I'm a Second Life addict who owns the shop called Anguis Rei, I'm a self proclaimed SL Photographer and a blogger!
9 years ago 4
I knew I would eventually forget I have a plurk. And behold, it has been refound!
KuraiThei shares
10 years ago 3
KuraiThei shares
10 years ago
Yay, finally finished the vendor image! For Leaf in the Wind!
KuraiThei shares
10 years ago
Finally finished my Lamia. And look, it's my nemesis ICly!
KuraiThei shares
10 years ago 7
Narrowed it down, still don't know. And sorry daveisme but the Drow skin didn't look too good.
KuraiThei shares
10 years ago 7

BishieStyleSL More like this~?
KuraiThei shares
10 years ago 12

HELP! I can't decide the appearance for y Underkin Lead Lamia. HALP me decide!
10 years ago
I'm sorry guys. I've been hooked on a game for a few days. Curseth thee, expansion pack, curseth! But i'm back now :-D I think...~?
10 years ago 8
I'll try again. Current events? I got linden burning in my pocket and I need to shop! Already went to TMD, Kustom9, C88, TFC and the School festival thing.
10 years ago
Current events going on? Cackles and rolls in his fresh linden Must. Go. Shopping!