214Friends 185Fans
male Kamuning, Philippines
gemini [the chatterbox]smart and witty. outgoing , very chatty. lively, energetic. adaptable but needs to express them selves. argumentative and outspoken. like change. versatile. busy, sometimes nervous and tense. gossips.
Zelenoglazoe says
13 years ago
good morning people
Zelenoglazoe says
13 years ago
karma down :-(
Zelenoglazoe says
13 years ago
good morning people!
Zelenoglazoe says
13 years ago
good afternoon people! :-D
Zelenoglazoe says
13 years ago
what a day!
Zelenoglazoe says
13 years ago 3
good morning people!! woot woot
Zelenoglazoe hates
13 years ago
Zelenoglazoe is
13 years ago
listening to OLDIES BUT GOODIES music
Zelenoglazoe says
13 years ago 2
4100TH Plurk! yay
Zelenoglazoe says
13 years ago 1
good morning people! :-D