215Friends 18Fans
female Jacksonville, FL, United States
Starting over again is never easy...
10 years ago 2
hey everyone please pray for my little dog Blossom we gotta back to the vet today she is not doing well at all :'-(
✿Winter✿ is
10 years ago
feeling super happy tonight about SL anyhow :-) Met the most wonderful person and we can't to get to know her better
10 years ago 6
Fianlly logged into plurk today for the first time in forever... I know it's been six months. No one faint LOL
10 years ago 1
f you broke your ankle would you be able to move it/ walk on it? What about your hip? Fell a little bit ago... Really hurting .. On the hard tile kitchen floor no less
10 years ago 17
Help...anyone here have the evil windows 8? I've got a new computer coming and was wondering how it will handle SL...
✿Winter✿ shares
11 years ago 3
Not as good a picture as my mom takes but this is what I have managed so far in making over adult me https://images.plurk.com/rGEj-641Detdf2XvvtFtS7GMZV4.jpg
11 years ago 5
Good places for hair for an adult av??
11 years ago 2
Good Afternoon Plurk...
✿Winter✿ wonders
11 years ago 1
if I will ever not suck at sleeping
✿Winter✿ shares
11 years ago 4
my mommy takes the best pics :-)https://images.plurk.com/rGEj-4K2qv6o78jbjOoLTrjiAtm.jpg