1Friends 3Fans
male Kebumen, Indonesia
Kristianto75 akan
13 years ago
sikecil liburan sekolah minta keliling ke adik2nya dari wonosobo dan jakarta, wah touring berat kalau benar terjadi.
Kristianto75 says
14 years ago 1
Good morning, this morning activities begin to pile up and an official letter has been piled on my desk
Kristianto75 needs
14 years ago
sobriety, and compete in an honest work
Kristianto75 thinks
14 years ago
good indeed be important, but more importantly a good person advanced (Alm. Ebet Kadarusman) :-)
Kristianto75 hopes
14 years ago
crave back cooking oxtail soup deceased beloved mama
Kristianto75 wonders
14 years ago
bisa pulang berapa ;-)
Kristianto75 thinks
14 years ago
The second day of fasting, rather cold atmosphere of the field but maybe later in the afternoon heat of the weather.
Kristianto75 cintai
14 years ago
istri yang setia sampai mati :-D
Kristianto75 berharap
14 years ago
abigail, ananda tercinta semoga engkau cepat bisa bersenda gurau lagi dengan ayah ya
Kristianto75 berbagi
14 years ago