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female Manila, Philippines
14 years ago
congratulates kayeba12 for graduating in the top of her class! Way to go, little one :-)
14 years ago
panicked all day. Juliut, the cat, went missing since last night till 8:30 tonight. I knew he'd resurface when it gets dark.
14 years ago
couldn't do anything to save the kitten. I wept as I was driving for I know it was seconds away from its death.
14 years ago
saw a most dreadful thing: a kitten in the middle of the highway. It was trying to be as small as possible while big cars drove by.
KitTiTaMa has
14 years ago
printed a couple of shirts with their own unique designs.
KitTiTaMa has
15 years ago
her blog up and running and has some visitors there already. :-)
15 years ago
reporting that Macy's eye is healing fast. A bath is now in order (LOL)
KitTiTaMa asks
15 years ago
aside from Divisoria, where else can one buy cheap plain cotton shirts in good quality?
KitTiTaMa is
15 years ago
making silk screen shirts!!! Just did my first cat design and I'm lovin' it!
KitTiTaMa gives
15 years ago
Macy eye drops to heal her eye fast. Macy just had a successful eye surgery last Tuesday.