♥m E w(//_x)♥
368Friends 110Fans
male Binangonan, Philippines

A smile makes us look younger.

while prayers make us feel stronger.

and friends.?

They make us enjoy life FOREVER.


♥m E w(//_x)♥
11 years ago 3
Hi there.
♥m E w(//_x)♥
11 years ago
Every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success.
-Napoleon Hill
♥m E w(//_x)♥
11 years ago
follow me on twitter guys .. ill follow you back .. thanks .. https://twitter.com/ilov...
♥m E w(//_x)♥
11 years ago
guys me on facebook guys .. www.facebook.com/jkpa.IL... .. :-*
♥m E w(//_x)♥
11 years ago
It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.
Theodore Roosevelt
♥m E w(//_x)♥
11 years ago
A smile makes us look younger.
while prayers make us feel stronger.
and friends.?
They make us enjoy life FOREVER.
♥m E w(//_x)♥
11 years ago
nakakaasar !! GRRR !!
♥m E w(//_x)♥
11 years ago
Try not to become a man of success but a man of value.
Albert Einstein
♥m E w(//_x)♥
11 years ago
.. im pissed ..
♥m E w(//_x)♥
11 years ago
still raining outside .. DAMN !! this is CRAZY ..