celebrating Johnny Appleseed's birthday this week. Anyone have any great apple-related ideas to share?
to use GPS with a 6th grade Geography class to do an activity. Any suggestions?
thinking about doing an activity with GPS next week with 7th grade social studies. Any suggestions?
at ESSDACK listening to Glenn plan TIG meetings through January...
it's been a full day...and it's only 2:00 P.M.
any librarians have advice on interviewing library aides?
if anyone knows of a program where students can observe live surgeries? (Live from the Heart is full and I am looking for alternatives.)
making an attempt to return to plurk. With zero karma, there's nowhere to go but up!
it's amazing how fast laundry piles up when you don't take the time to really "DO LAUNDRY" for a while. I think this might be my Everest!
work days are tough...so much to do...it's almost overwhelming...I don't know where to start.