1Friends 2Fans
female Malaysia
blogger (  jwxwei.blogspot.com ), j-idol fangirl, j-dorama addict, j-music lover, has an ichy butt that just wants to fly around the world. need i say more? :-D
Jwxwei says
16 years ago 1
its impossible to reach 40.55 karma -_-
Jwxwei says
16 years ago
16 more to go ! (dance)
Jwxwei says
16 years ago
final cut pro is damn complicated =_= me no unds anything D;
Jwxwei is
16 years ago
downloading Final Cut Pro. Connection's crazy! =_=
Jwxwei thinks
16 years ago
that she's too happy which ultimately caused her to brag too much about it (LOL)
Jwxwei feels
16 years ago
happy that her host family sent her something ^_^
Jwxwei wants
16 years ago
to eat all the CNY cookies that came with the hamper (dance)
Jwxwei wants
16 years ago
Arashi to release a 10 year anni album (woot)
Jwxwei wishes
16 years ago
to have one whole year of freedom (fangirling, dramas, video game etc.). Though only such euphoria exists in fantasies..
Jwxwei feels
16 years ago
that being tired isn't something adnormal nowadays..