Expect less from others, and you won't be disappointed easily; ask more of yourself, and you won't be frustrated constantly.
魔法黑森林 (Into the Woods), 2014
The most unwise way to spend your valuable time is trying to please someone who doesn't matter.
戀愛沒有假期 (The Holiday), 2006
No matter how we try to be mature..We will always be a kid when we all get hurt and cry.
Self-worth comes from the inside; although it can't be given, it also can't be taken away.
變人 (Bicentennial Man), 1999
In the eyes of those knowing the truth, nothing is more intriguing than watching people lie.
惡棍特工(Inglourious Basterds), 2009
Seize every moment, as some things in life can't wait; cherish those you love, so they don't go away.
最後一封情書 (Dear John), 2010
“Never twist yourself just to please others. Most people love you for what you do for them, but there are still those who will love you just for who you are.” —— 史瑞克 2 (Shrek 2), 2004
「即便你不是那個我最初替自己設想的一百分先生,我只在意一件事情:親愛的未來的你,我希望你是可以激勵我的人 I need you to inspire me!」
Please have even more patience when facing someone who is having a hard time expressing themselves.
X+Y 愛的方程式 (X + Y), 2014