10Friends 8Fans
male Davao, Philippines
JordanJesseAng says
16 years ago 2
byebye gonna go to sleep, hope everyone gets a good nights sleep :-))
JordanJesseAng wishes
16 years ago 10
he had gone and watch "bedtime stories" :-(
JordanJesseAng wishes
16 years ago 7
everyone a happy new year and that everyone will have a good year for 2009. :-))
JordanJesseAng asks
16 years ago 34
what did i miss? so many new plurks.
JordanJesseAng says
16 years ago 2
bye bye now, i have to go to sleep and i hope everyone will have a good nights sleep. ^_^
JordanJesseAng says
16 years ago 70
advance happy new year to everyone