17Friends 17Fans
male Bellingham, WA, United States
Well I'm an aspiring bodybuilder and dentist! I workout I study, eat, sleep, then repeat, that's about it!

E-mail: [email protected]
Jonishere55 is
16 years ago
trying to study for his 3 finals on Tuesday! :-o
Jonishere55 wants
16 years ago
some karma!!
Jonishere55 has
16 years ago
posted his final blog of the quarter, check them all out at
Jonishere55 says
16 years ago
Good Luck With Finals Everyone!!!
Jonishere55 wants
16 years ago 2
To know if there is a plurk assignment this week!?
Jonishere55 has
16 years ago 12
a poem that was sent in a spam e-mail!
Jonishere55 is
16 years ago 1
working on this weeks plurk assignment and trying to figure out how to fit alll his spam into a poem!
16 years ago
Ok I posted my blog for this week take a look at
16 years ago
Challenges LadyBhu To a plurkfight, find a video on youtube that you think is funny and post it here on plurk and summarize it in 3 words!
Jonishere55 shares
16 years ago 2
foo fighters-my hero