少思、少念、少欲、少事、少语、少笑、少愁、少乐、少喜、少怒、少好、少恶。行此十二少, 乃养生之都契也。多思则神怠,多念则精散,多欲则智损,多事则形疲,多语则气促,多笑则肝伤,多愁则心慑,多乐则意溢,多喜则忘错昏乱,多怒则百脉不定,多好则专迷不治,多恶则焦煎无宁
It's a challenge to strive for living the life you want rather then let life leads you to the life it is leading you to.
You can distinguished a wise man from an ordinary man from whether he is controlling his mind or he is controlled by his mind.
How do you know that you are in meditation or not? you will know when stillness speaks....
glad that the teaching in first day of workshop is over....