13Friends 26Fans
female Nashua, NH, United States
Joanmarie says
13 years ago
On the downside, my alarms are going off telling me to get up. But on the positive side, I nailed some bugs found by our most-awesome users.
Joanmarie says
13 years ago
Need to get up in a little over three hours for the a11y team meeting. Guess I should go to bed....
Joanmarie says
13 years ago
I wonder if this means brltty development will stop, what with the world ending and all. (See the counter on:
Joanmarie says
13 years ago
On the nature of Orca donations (not the message I wished to send).
Joanmarie says
13 years ago
Uh.... Wasn't one of you supposed to wake me up a few hours ago? Y'all totally suck as minions. *sighs* Oh well, 5 hours of sleep was nice.
Joanmarie says
13 years ago
Pro: Being able to shoot lightning bolts from my finger appeals to my vengeful-goddess self image. Con: Ouch! #StaticElectricity #NH #winter
Joanmarie says
13 years ago
Snow is soporific; its removal, sonorific.
Joanmarie says
13 years ago
Ripping my Pimsleur CDs for transfer to my Android, and wondering how many people still listen to CD contents *on CD*.
Joanmarie says
13 years ago
Pleased with this month's gas bill. The avg daily temperature for Dec 2009 & Dec 2010 are the same. But I used 42% less gas. #conservation
Joanmarie says
13 years ago
Running regression tests now, fingers crossed and all that jazz.