76Friends 21Fans
Rossland, BC, Canada
Too sad, grumpy, tired, and sore to want to talk to anyone. Oh, cold too. Anything else you want to know?
JigmeDatse feels
6 months ago
the adventures of Jimmy Durango are really worth finding if you can.
JigmeDatse feels
6 months ago
James Gleick does not understand chaos/chaos theory even now.Your Fancy-Pants Brain | James Gleick, Daniel Drake
JigmeDatse feels
6 months ago
they would rather have a shitty sales experience, than end up with a "custom build" computer which has screws loose (literally) and be told, "you refused to send us pictures of that," and be told that "customers do this..." is not blaming the customer.
JigmeDatse feels
6 months ago 9
while exciting, also kind of sad, to see what they think was a sharp-shinned hawk, in the yard. Our chickadees were not at all happy about that.
JigmeDatse shares
6 months ago 6
Updated that render... https://images.plurk.com/7fCscZtEeuD0BHC4JoJHkz.png
JigmeDatse shares
6 months ago 4
some coins... They don't look too bad, but they really could be a lot better. And I'm probably going to work on generating some environment for them. https://images.plurk.com/5IlJGEgW38YBcpxr11AnWK.png
JigmeDatse asks
6 months ago
5 straight minutes of Vicious Mockery 🎶anyone want to hear the full songs?
JigmeDatse asks
6 months ago 5
"You're a fucking spoon"? Wait what? Clearly I need some help with my Glaswegian.
JigmeDatse has
6 months ago 3
just realised that Ren's song is called Sick Boi. Like, knew it, but when typing it elsewhere, was like... "Boi? Is Ren queer?" Almost certain he wouldn't have realised it indicated such, so... I'm strongly suspecting it.
JigmeDatse shares
7 months ago 4
Discussing Rims and Bottomssomething for some sense of what the foot and rim of pots might look like. I think I mentioned this to mimipal in the past week or so.