11Friends 5Fans
female Singapore
Woodlands Ring Sec

tat's nothing i love more than my family
MooMooYuU hopes
12 years ago
she's still the one in control. Cant wait to tear XXX apart if i have the chance.
MooMooYuU wants
12 years ago
to be alone at a beautiful beach with the golden sun shinny down on her while she reads her book and forgets everything else
MooMooYuU gives
12 years ago
you a punch in your face, break your jaws and make you cry.
MooMooYuU feels
12 years ago
so annoy and wanna know wat happen. X-(
MooMooYuU hopes
12 years ago
XXX doesnt tell anyone bout our secret. cross finger
MooMooYuU wonders
12 years ago
why everyone of them makes her feel like a piece of trash. :-(
13 years ago
woke up.Realized everything was over, its all a dream.You made me a fool, you made me believe.Over all this, you still make me smile.
13 years ago
S[he] Be[lie]ves.
MooMooYuU wishes
13 years ago
to HUG you so tight !!!
MooMooYuU wants
13 years ago
to be with him every single moment.