Kirsty Lee
17Friends 8Fans
female Secondlife, United States
Kirsty Lee
Loving my life.
Kirsty Lee
10 years ago
Week 12 of being pregnant. Things learned: I LOVE FROSTYS SO MUCH. HELLO YOU FROTHY POOL OF CHOCOLATE.
Kirsty Lee
11 years ago
I feel like we are constantly packing. You never realize you have so much stuff.
Kirsty Lee
11 years ago 3
Kirsty Lee
11 years ago 1
I walked into the kitchen and groaned " I stuffed my face." Mom goes " I don't need to know about your personal life."
Kirsty Lee
11 years ago 8
Brb guys I'm going to beat up RonZoon because he didn't like the Avengers movie. And he said it was bad before he even finished it.
Kirsty Lee
11 years ago 1
Ronzoon bought me flowers after my long day. BEST EVER.
Kirsty Lee
11 years ago 7
I can stare at them all day...
Kirsty Lee
11 years ago 7
I'm 5'3. Shoe size 6 1/2. I have a birthmark on my right foot. And one huge scar on my knee and wrist! What are some of your identifiers?!
Kirsty Lee
11 years ago 37
Do you ever feel like your boyfriend knows TOO much about fashion? Bwaha
Kirsty Lee
11 years ago 13
Didn't Plurk or sl much at all this weekend. But I did drive three hours to help bring this little one home for my mom.