264Friends 53Fans
female Bellevue, NE, United States
I'm a mother of two and grandmother of 5(ages 17-5) and keep real busy with the grandkids activities, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Bowling are the main ones. i've been married for almost 37 yrs. Love to knit and am learning to spin. i also enjoy cross-st
Jeanette93 says
7 years ago 9
Hi everyone, sorry I've been missing for so long. Just got notification that I made it into SSK this year!
Jeanette93 says
8 years ago 5
Been moving this weekend and won't have internet til weekend. Trying to downsize after 21 years in one place is a pain. Talk to your this weekend
Jeanette93 says
8 years ago 7
Finished my Baa-ble hat out of Left over Knit Picks Swish worsted
Jeanette93 says
8 years ago 4
This was the sign on my granddaughters hospital door yesterday. So happy she is doing so well.
Jeanette93 says
8 years ago 11
Update on my granddaughter Amelia
Jeanette93 says
8 years ago 10
Update on my little granddaughter. She was diagnosed with ALL leukemia almost 4 months ago.
Jeanette93 says
8 years ago 10
Just got my email from Leslie! I'm going to SSK this summer!!!!!!:-D
Jeanette93 says
8 years ago 4
Tired today. Spent 12 hrs yesterday sitting with 2 yr old GD at hospital while parents working and running errands. Good day but long.
Jeanette93 says
8 years ago 6
Just got this new update
Jeanette93 says
8 years ago 6
Update on my granddaughter