11Friends 5Fans
female Chatfield, MN, United States
JaynaZan shares
13 years ago 2
Maggie's DiC sweater. She's ready for the snow to fall now!
JaynaZan is
13 years ago
going to make the leap from dyed test swatch to full hank! Here's hoping it come out in true school color!
JaynaZan is
13 years ago 1
making her doggie a new sweater with Dream in Color. Can you say, "Spoiled."
JaynaZan needs
13 years ago
0.04 more Karma to get rid of the half-a-ham. That is what that is, right?
JaynaZan needs
13 years ago
to knit her poor shaved pup a new sweater!
JaynaZan has
13 years ago 8
really crappy Karma . . .
JaynaZan is
13 years ago 1
going to dye test samples tomorrow. I need to get a maroon.