0Friends 6Fans
male Kelapa Gading, Indonesia
my school at Canisius College junior high school
Jansen2101 says
15 years ago
“who said english is easy?” please fill this blank either with “YES” or “NO” “______, i am a pig.”
Jansen2101 is
15 years ago
Jansen2101 is
15 years ago
thx god 4 help me
Jansen2101 is
15 years ago
just do this stupid message?
Jansen2101 is
15 years ago
what is the using of plurk?
Jansen2101 is
15 years ago
i want respond!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i think there isn't human except me... because there aren't respons
Jansen2101 is
15 years ago
confused, because there isn't australian
Jansen2101 is
15 years ago
is anybody from australia?
Jansen2101 is
15 years ago
waiting for someone
Jansen2101 is
15 years ago
any body now how to use plurk?