5Friends 4Fans
female Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Mom of two, married 13 years only in the legal regard, slightly to moderately insane, in school working on Bachelors in Psychology, Certified Lactation Consultant Educator, www.burghbooks.com, BurghScents.Scentsy.us
10 years ago 5
20 students stabbed at local high school... sigh
Multiple Students Reported Stabbed At Franklin Regional High ...
Jade1018 shares
11 years ago
Must brag in the most places possible: Ethan singing "Let It Go" from Frozen
Jade1018 shares
11 years ago 1
Ethan - "My Favorite Things"
Just need to brag about how blasted cute my youngest son is....
11 years ago
Just got woo'd by pizza/hoagie sales lady at the boys' swim team practice. Free hoagies and pizza for listening to her talk. SCORE! Bonus for me since family is gluten free! I'll be enjoying this for days. :-D
11 years ago
Word of the day: coffee.
As in, I need more.
11 years ago
This no internet thing is getting annoying