10Friends 4Fans
J_acqq loves
15 years ago
CAMMMYYYY soooooo MUCHHH.. Best clique!!! (cozy)
J_acqq wants
15 years ago
everyone to relink & view her new blog, www.yourhubby-J.blogspot... ^-^ thanks!
J_acqq hopes
15 years ago
that ----- is available!! :-D
J_acqq says
15 years ago
she can't sleep because of AD!!! :-P
J_acqq says
15 years ago
J_acqq is
15 years ago
going to sleep now. (:
J_acqq is
15 years ago
sooooooooo happy today with Wifey!! :-D
J_acqq is
15 years ago
so huachi now... :-P
J_acqq hopes
15 years ago
to see him again!!! :-D
J_acqq feels
15 years ago
so sorry for those victim in the plane crash.. God bless them. D: