20Friends 24Fans
female Durham, NC, United States
Plurking and a twittering when I should be working. :-D
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or for recipes
Jeanette says
15 years ago 5
Anyone here use StumbleUpon?
Jeanette says
15 years ago 6
Lordy! My Karma is dead :-( Hello Plurkers, sorry been away so long *waves* since waving smiley is gone. lol!
Jeanette says
15 years ago 7
Happy Friday, Plurkers! I just cooked Suman!
Jeanette says
15 years ago 5
Good morning plurkland! Just had cookies that my daughter baked, with coffee. :-)
Jeanette says
16 years ago 3
Short day today, I leave at noon. Hello Plurkers!
Jeanette says
16 years ago 3
It's late in the day, but HELLO plurkers! I'm getting ready to leave work again. (bye)
Jeanette says
16 years ago 5
woot! gained back my lost karma from the long weekend. Now I can go home and find something to eat. (bye) (hungry)
Jeanette says
16 years ago 11
Sent my husband a PayPal payment with 'for services rendered' on the memo (LOL)
Jeanette says
16 years ago 4
Partying for the holidays has already started. First party tonight.
Jeanette says
16 years ago 2
hello plurkland! (highfive) Hungry and didn't bring anything for lunch. How about you?