351Friends 130Fans
female Second life
Just a Vampire girl in a crazy world. I design for Sn@tch in Second Life and own the Pulse and Snatch City Sims with my partner Roblem Hogarth. I make stuff people seem to like, go figure!

ALL my Links :about.me/Ivey_Deschanel
10 years ago 23
I come to plurk because I KNOW one of you will know if this is a thing. I've had a couple people the last two weeks say that they paid twice to join my in world group and want a refund. Is this a thing?
10 years ago 7
Peeking into plurk just to put out the word...we're selling a full sim at tier cost (and transfer fee) price 400 USD if anyone is interested poke me! THANKS! -wavessss-
11 years ago 9
If you haven't played System Failure yet, grab some friends and go! secondlife.com/destinati...
11 years ago 26
I have a favor I need to ask! If anyone is interested in being an incidental character in our Halloween game, I need a pic of a daddy and daughter for a clue...
11 years ago 45
omg I just snapped on somebody LOL that was fun
Ivey shares
11 years ago 17
Coming soooooon
Ivey shares
11 years ago 9
New Sn@tch Stuffs. I just realised I haven't shown new stuff in plurk in forever. I neglected you, I'm sorryyyy https://images.plurk.com/dx9V-3xIClZChQOb9b6yA8Wmuot.jpg
Ivey shares
11 years ago 23
omg shadows omg new computer omg depth of field omg...
Ivey shares
11 years ago 16
New Releases at Sn@tch Today! https://images.plurk.com/dx9V-1PIWB4UFMgVmjiumTsVnv2.jpg
Ivey shares
11 years ago 10
New Sn@tch Stuffs!