5Friends 7Fans
male Malta
My name is Glenallen Mixon. I have a divurse and robust portfolio.
InvestorAndTaxEvader plays
8 months ago
Team Fortress 2. I love traiding and the Mannconomy!
I swear I’ll break this damn Xbox
InvestorAndTaxEvader thinks
3 years ago
it’s time to leave the Kromer exchange market. Too vollitile off a market for a long-term investment.
InvestorAndTaxEvader buys
3 years ago 1
Kromer at a rate of US$149 /KRM (this echxange rate is expected to expire 23 seconds after this Plurk posting)
InvestorAndTaxEvader wants
3 years ago
to learn about Asian stock markets (China, Japan, Thailand, etc.) Your portfoilo can never be too diverse!
InvestorAndTaxEvader buys
3 years ago
Bitcoin A worthwile investment. Good returns!
InvestorAndTaxEvader hates
3 years ago
paying taxes. I don't think the Govrenment has the right to take away my money. It would be better if they let me keep all of it.
InvestorAndTaxEvader likes
3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
the look of this character: MORE BELOW
He seems like a guy who can make very reasonoble deals. If he wants to get in contact with me I would be happy to come to some kind of arragnement.
InvestorAndTaxEvader has
3 years ago 1
a lot of money that is not being taxed.
InvestorAndTaxEvader thinks
3 years ago
taking the bus is as good as our better than having a car. With modern technology more money can be earned while in transit than while you are occupied with driving. I also sold my car to buy Etherium. A worthwhile tradeoff!