22Friends 8Fans
male CHAOS, Indonesia
Stand, Lies, Cries, SmiLes, Lives, Dies, for One thing : REVOLUTION

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emoticon from bandhaz:
12 years ago
inimi kodong fot terbaikku :-P
12 years ago 1
12 years ago 4
menyaksikanmu termangu menatap langit, kasurmu masih dingin, lantai tak jua lebih hangat...
12 years ago
But there's still tomorrow, forget the sorrow, and i can be on the last train home... :-))
12 years ago
Standing on the rooftops, Waiting till the bomb drops,
This is all we've got now, Scream until your heart stops..! rooftops - lostprophets
Aredhel sedang
12 years ago
singing: When our time is up, When our lives are done, Will we say we've had our fun?
Aredhel bilang
12 years ago 1
hey diodess kembalimi akunku :-D
Aredhel bilang
13 years ago
wah, plurk mulai sepi nih,.
Aredhel bilang
13 years ago
Sharing is caring, my dear,. :-))
Aredhel bilang
13 years ago
It won't wait for no one, isn't? :-))