Izzy Moetz
43Friends 38Fans
male Makasar, Indonesia
about me...
simple boy
and if you want to know more ask me

1. Heighti 168 cm
2. Weight 65kg
3. Rambut Pendek
4. Cute
5. Kulit Bersih, warna kulit prpaduan kulit org jawa n bugis
6. Mata hitam

Izzy Moetz needs
15 years ago
relax for along time B-)
Izzy Moetz says
15 years ago
Diet... Diet... Diet :-o
Izzy Moetz says
15 years ago
lovebug... lovebug... lovebug (lmao)
Izzy Moetz says
15 years ago
bosaaaaaaaaaaan dirumah :-&
Izzy Moetz says
15 years ago
bulan ini teraktiran datang silih berganti (dance)
Izzy Moetz says
15 years ago
bisikan cintamu membuatku kangen setengah mati (cozy)
Izzy Moetz says
15 years ago
begini salah begitu salah... :-( maunya apa sih??? :'-(
Izzy Moetz says
15 years ago
aku Pengacara (pengangguran banyak acara) (LOL)
Izzy Moetz asks
15 years ago
what the surprise will be happen in 2010???? (thinking)
Izzy Moetz says
15 years ago
celebrate the new year 2010 in my friend's home (dance)... it's simple party but unforgetable :'-(