Izzy Moetz
43Friends 38Fans
male Makasar, Indonesia
about me...
simple boy
and if you want to know more ask me

1. Heighti 168 cm
2. Weight 65kg
3. Rambut Pendek
4. Cute
5. Kulit Bersih, warna kulit prpaduan kulit org jawa n bugis
6. Mata hitam

Izzy Moetz says
15 years ago
ingin ini ingin itu.....
Izzy Moetz says
15 years ago
Be REALISTIC about today, but OPTIMISTIC about the future. INSANI keep spirit (gym)
Izzy Moetz says
15 years ago
Some say that the most addictive thing in the world its drugs, booze, cigarettes, money, shopping. But I'd say, its Y-O-U!
Izzy Moetz says
15 years ago
Love is like shopping. Some people have to keep looking & looking for the perfect outfit, some just find it on the first rack
Izzy Moetz says
15 years ago
back to basic plan........
Izzy Moetz says
15 years ago
i'm not super human and i'm not ordinary human too but i just bad guy who want to do the best for the people who i love and respect 8-)
Izzy Moetz says
15 years ago
separuh jiwaku pergi karena ndak bisa online lagi Wi-Fi dirumahku di cabut... (tears)
Izzy Moetz says
15 years ago
hard life make me lose control... no one can stop me except you B-)
Izzy Moetz says
15 years ago
True love is like seeing ghosts; we all talk about it, but few of us have ever seen one
Izzy Moetz says
15 years ago
i dont care what you think of me (unsure)