166Friends 105Fans
female East River Community, Second life
I am a Second Life builder, community manager, arts and music lover, a cosmopolitan and founder of the East River Community.

Horizon Variations - Max Richter
Indi says
9 years ago 1
My Facebook account was closed so I had to create a new Facebook page: Can you please help by spreading the word and like my page? Thanks
Indi says
9 years ago 7
Dear friends, I am seriously considering dropping news curation of all things SL for this account. The reason is that currently I share SL news on 5 different accounts and the whole process is time-consuming.
Indi shares
9 years ago
Come gather, remember and celebrate the life of Lumiere Noir | Living in a Modemworld | #SecondLife Come gather, remember and celebrate the life of Lumiere Noir
Indi shares
9 years ago
CANVAS | Casa de Val | #SecondLife Canvas
Indi shares
9 years ago
Dream Often | CozeySL | #SecondLife Dream Often
Indi shares
9 years ago
Ravenghost Manta Ray Companion | Ravenghost | #SecondLife
Indi shares
9 years ago
coffee break | Isa Messioptra | #SecondLife
Indi shares
9 years ago
H.P. Lovecraft Festival 2015 In Second Life Is Open | Ciaran Laval | #SecondLife H.P. Lovecraft Festival 2015 In Second Life Is Open
Indi shares
9 years ago
Remembrance & Celebration Gathering for Lumiere Noir Will Be Held On 16th of August | Ciaran Laval | #SecondLife Remembrance & Celebration Gathering for Lumiere Noir Will Be ...
Indi shares
9 years ago
High Fidelity Announce Stem VR Challenge Recipients | Ciaran Laval | #SecondLife High Fidelity Announce Stem VR Challenge Recipients