The most selfless thing I can do now, is not to ask you to stay. You deserve to be treated and love the way you want to be. My love is not enough, me being myself is not even close to being good for you.
I'm sorry. Im sorry for everything. If you leave, I will hold nothing against you.
Whatever you decide on, I hope it makes you happy.
Fuck me. I'm a huge fucking disappointment and that will always be my story.
I'm so sorry for always causing you downfalls when you deserve so much better. I am fucking sorry for existing in your life.
Our relationship just faltered because of my stupid excuse to exist as a person.
Recently, fucking up has been the only thing I'm good at.
I'm sorry for failing you. I'm trying my hardest not to. -K.T.
Im complicated and messed up, and I wish I wasn't. My mental state is so poor no matter how much work I put to myself and my emotional state is sensitively high always. I don't know when I'll be enough. - K.T.