5Friends 9Fans
female Athens, GA, United States
ImpostorMom asks
16 years ago
why must I abandon my yummy lunch to rush off to a pointless meeting?
ImpostorMom asks
16 years ago 1
why do I feel compelled to have an anonymous discussion about Prop 8 with a former acquaintance? It just upsets me.
ImpostorMom says
16 years ago 2
and finally to bed, hopefully I can sleep
ImpostorMom says
16 years ago 4
I've never actually had a presidential election make me all teary eyed.
ImpostorMom says
16 years ago
I think I'd rather be watching the CW right now but the hubs won't relinquish the remote.
ImpostorMom says
16 years ago 4
hey look, my sad little karma is back in the positives.
ImpostorMom asks
16 years ago 12
is it time to go home yet?
ImpostorMom has
16 years ago 2
made two treks to the basement now for tornado warnings.
ImpostorMom is
16 years ago
going to have crab cakes for lunch. nom nom nom
16 years ago 4
should probably do some work before leaving for lunch at 11:30