فك يو
463Friends 156Fans
female Durham, New Hampshire, United States
welcome to Saturn, Mr Astor!

Sameen Shaw @ Glencola

Callisto @ Singillatim

Misty Quigley @ TLV
Sameen Shaw @ TLV

full muselist

banerries @ Discord
فك يو
4 weeks ago 10
https://images.plurk.com/ThWkEkjWPtu4hmawmqJAi.jpg https://images.plurk.com/2BRRFk3xKEe4drPbOqZcf6.jpg "five years since" lmao thanks for the reminder, google photos
فك يو
4 weeks ago 8
me: "maybe i'll reapp to sing"

sing: "apps closed until august at least"
فك يو
4 weeks ago 6
[nrcc bullshit] https://images.plurk.com/MYqRzV9jtXId4wTZunBld.png bro WHAT is with this font
فك يو
4 weeks ago 9
i'm so glad that we as a society have pivoted away from movie trailers having random-ass narrators
فك يو
1 months ago 44 @Edit 1 months ago
[tlv] come one, come all, come find out how little shaw shares about her life EDIT: and come say hi to lottie matthews, courtesy of kota!
فك يو
1 months ago
friends say I just missed Elizabeth Warren coming by. shattered, heartbroken
فك يو
1 months ago 66
https://images.plurk.com/1hOcW8dNgLZAvZAEVzjazZ.jpg still kind of sloppy at applying these, but i am READY for boston tomorrow
فك يو
1 months ago 5
Google AI's Insane Answersthe singularity's going great, guys
فك يو
1 months ago 10
https://images.plurk.com/xlP27spkHiMIHejqCA1sG.jpg Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbartbarbierbier
فك يو
1 months ago