5Friends 0Fans
female Malaysia
Stop looking at your past and looking forward your future ;-)
hello says
8 years ago
karma up pppp
hello says
8 years ago
happy new yearrrrr
hello says
8 years ago
happy birthday chanyeol oppa =)
hello says
8 years ago
I should not blame anything
hello says
8 years ago
hav a good night! =D
hello says
8 years ago
my heart is always wants to be the one I want to be but in the reality i'm back to another person it is so WEIRD AND SAD
hello says
8 years ago
but, before the end we're not :-)))
hello says
8 years ago
tell u a truth..it is cruel.. that's we will be alone at the end
hello says
8 years ago
listen to what kind of music as I could I can I just listen
hello says
8 years ago
i love music becus it has no limit