王戰|馮/卡杜斯 Karma: 0.00
not stating / other
- Taiwan
⛨|里優維嘉 Karma: 60.50
not stating / other
- Griunvaldas, Poland
【王国戦記】瑪喬莉 Karma: 52.28
- Horn of Plenty
王国戦記✧托林 Karma: 0.00
not stating / other
- 長橋, 帝國
翁尼 Karma: 41.37
not stating / other
- Taiwan
【王戦】芙蕾雅 Karma: 27.17
not stating / other
王國♘馴鹿麵包屋 Karma: 0.00
- The Union, Horn of Plenty
【王國】長橋某夫婦的小屋 Karma: 30.93
not stating / other
- Empire, LongBridge
ꄘꈼꋊꐟꇒ Karma: 0.00
not stating / other