94Friends 143Fans
female Lacey, WA, United States
I work. I keep a cluttered, often dusty home. When I have time I knit or sew, and occasionally write fiction no one should have to read.
I sometimes update QueenOfCheese.com and CatsAreSoGay.com.
Married to MarkCarras, which makes life interesting
QueenOfCheese says
13 years ago
I defeated the strong willed report! I win!! I win!!!.... Now my cats are staring. Must have been the "happy dance" I was doing. :-D
QueenOfCheese says
13 years ago
30 minutes into trying to beat this report into submission and still can't claim victory. This is gonna be a 10 cup o' coffee kind of day.
QueenOfCheese says
13 years ago
My cats know when I'm "on the clock", that's the safest time for them to be total butts in other areas of the house. Conference ca
QueenOfCheese says
13 years ago 3
Dang spacetime continuum isn't letting this Monday go by fast enough. Surely more caffeine will speed things up?
QueenOfCheese says
13 years ago 1
Monday means waking up one minute before your alarm will go off, when you want to go back to sleep for hours.
QueenOfCheese says
13 years ago
I think that's the highest ratio of cussing to bookcase assembly I've ever had! Woo hoo? :-D
QueenOfCheese says
13 years ago
Got oil changed on my car, groceries purchased from Trader Joes, and now for breakfast! And I am resisting checking my work email. So far...
QueenOfCheese says
13 years ago
Shh!!! Don't tell the universe, but I am now offIcially on vacation! :-D
QueenOfCheese says
13 years ago 1
And now for the inexorably slow crawl of time on this last day of work before my vacation starts...
QueenOfCheese says
13 years ago 1
I know I'm tired because I'm not even knitting right now. *yawn*