333Friends 75Fans
female Inman, KS, United States
Bouncing through life living each day to be my best! I teach 6th grade in a TRC classroom. I love trying out all the latest technology and letting kids interest lead the way!
12 years ago 2
Thought all you foursquare players would like this! Curiosity Rover Aspires to be "Mayor" of Mars... www.msnbc.msn.com/id/492...
Herron5 says
12 years ago 2
My laptop crashed (tears) can you put grades in powerteacher on an ipad? If so how and where do i go?
Herron5 says
12 years ago
Awesome day full of great friends family and students! J
12 years ago 8
DD begins her 54 hour Crucible at 0200 tomorrow morning - her final test to becoming a United States Marine.
12 years ago 5
Challenge: Design and build a rubberband powered rover that can be dropped from 5 meters, then once lands travels 3 - 5 meters without
Herron5 says
12 years ago 1
Thank someone today!
Herron5 says
12 years ago
is a great day for the first day of school!
Herron5 says
12 years ago 6
Good morning all - Have a terrific day!
Herron5 shares
12 years ago 2
I work in the best place ever! Awesome staff and today our PTO had message therapist come in and we all get a 10 minute message!!!
12 years ago
do something today that will better your tomorrow.