33Friends 4Fans
male NC, United States
2 months ago 1
RP: Cecilia and I have agreed to this. that thing she does where she does amazing roleplay when she's not trying to is now called the lum effect. I like it better than the zanitsu effect
2 months ago 3
vampire: I forgot to mention this. one of the things that really showed me that this group is non toxic. there's a new rule they use, not sure if it's standard across the larp scene or just for their game. "to use dominate on another player, a storyteller must be present" Like, I took a merit specifically to make dominating my character harder.
2 months ago 8
first, my character is built slightly wrong but I can adjust. Last night I got to have a badass moment in a big fight while almost dying. deets in the comments.
2 months ago 7
https://images.plurk.com/7eQ7Si5eitmbwRgZDGdLE.jpg I think this is a straight flush idk
2 months ago 6
Born too late to meet Shakespeare, born too early to explore the Stars. born just in time to go to a vampire LARP where the toreador actually care about art instead of being a bunch of catty dickbags.
game tonight. let's hope I don't get blood hunted
3 months ago 7
my character is literally salivating over one of the locations mentioned in the Nekolarp teaser. I'll let you guess which one.
3 months ago 10
the paint I normally use for cosplay has a neon 'rave' line. I was at dragon con, I only had so much money so I bought white and red, thinking I'd do a st giles red court vampire cosplay at some point. I just tried the white, it doesn't do what I thought it did, so, I'm going to the rave tonight without anything crazy or over the top on. :-(
3 months ago
Cecilia is looking for backup ideas for a character for neko.
Me: are you just looking for characters who have authority over my character?"
her: weeeeeeeeeelll..... I meeeeeeeeeean..... not JUST that...

I'm screwed
3 months ago 7
https://images.plurk.com/BoSX4BWtUEA4hZkilBthb.jpg this is actually anxiety inducing.
3 months ago
I just got called saul Goodman cosplaying nanani on tiktok and I need to decide how mad I should be about it