33Friends 4Fans
male NC, United States
2 days ago 2
vtm: my character did his monthly pirate radio shout out. It was a poem called "twas the night before first contact"
3 days ago 5
https://images.plurk.com/46OGerMYp7fUVP3bCw3wkB.jpg I finally got to hang a picture of Bob and I up on the wall in his old office which is now mine. I have been wanting to do this since he retired in March or April and I finally got a good picture of us. I can't hang it because the sonic welder is on the other side of the wall and it would vibrate off, so, had to use tape
4 days ago 4
https://images.plurk.com/3P9MwAtSf2io4XWUmogyX4.jpg my sister in law got my wife this. she clearly wants us to divorce
1 weeks ago 2
vtm continuing: I was going to look into the occult stuff. I have infernal lore thanks to a quest (which I'm not supposed to have) and I really want to investigate the sheriff because I have a whole peg board that suggest he's an infernalist but good luck trying to get a scene with him. Otherwise Im just trying to acquire property and cozy up to the nos.
1 weeks ago 1
VTM: I figured out what my vampire game is missing. I don't really have 'goals' to speak of. I have no desire to be a member of court, if I did, Id be either a talon or occult investigator and i'm outshined by anyone with necro or rituals. There are only 2 GMs so most of the writing is player drama. like, I have a radio show and land, what do i want?
2 weeks ago 4
that was a good service. I always find it refreshing when the preacher actually knows the person we're all here for. I remember when my uncle died and the preacher said "I had the misfortune of playing basketball against John once..."
2 weeks ago 3
so i have zoom open in browser, i'm trying to cast to the tv but have no idea what i'm doing
i think the meeting has to start before i can select cast
2 weeks ago 3
https://images.plurk.com/6ZCgdiko0LtQBSjelQ8V1v.jpg my malkavian keeps being right about stuff! in the discord there's literally a "Terrance was right jar" and people keep using the coin emoji on it
2 weeks ago 15
soloing trivia night. this is my team name https://images.plurk.com/4DUOkw63qHYp9ZbjzqyeUu.jpg
2 weeks ago 1
https://images.plurk.com/2k7yaBCNE9TO96zVvB5zaV.jpg when the Mac and cheese goes before the turkey #stillgotit. I can't make this at home because there's a ton of gluten in there