33Friends 4Fans
male NC, United States
3 days ago 3
https://images.plurk.com/2JhpOdknhxs8N2MTscY2zK.jpg the time has come!
3 days ago 3
VTM: Okay, I both respect and hate the location system. You can have locations and draw influence from them. For example, if you own a bank, you have +3 resources for one check each game. My character has a radio station. next mission is a recording studio. The problem is you can't just bullshit stock locations.
1 weeks ago 7
vtm: on tonights episode of "this is a detailed part of my backstory and secretly my kink..." eyeroll
1 weeks ago
https://images.plurk.com/2DBhvMNAg5LBabAJgjuUGj.jpg https://images.plurk.com/1zfF4kS1rMA8yOav5Z1noi.jpg fate: The one time I'm actually looking for good craft essences to fill out my support party and I get a random four-star. wtf
1 weeks ago 4
VTM: so a gangrel named Moth just did an interview w my conspiracy theory DJ about the cryptid Mothman. The only catch is that she has a flaw where she can't be recorded on audio or video so it was me doing a one sided interview and having my phone play radio static on the other end. she said I had free reign but I had to say that mothman had a nice ass.
2 weeks ago 3
https://images.plurk.com/76cGIWnmYsp6y1PZS0STxC.png new girl failure vtuber obsession just dropped
2 weeks ago 20
https://images.plurk.com/QWYPy1sNYDfFMqqzMdTnu.jpg fate go: not my first choice but this is fine
4 weeks ago 4
https://images.plurk.com/Z0GB2U3ucJ4EyLonPTtgz.png FUCK!!!
4 weeks ago 1
I got an invite to a fallout one shot. I was looking at ghoul gunslinger. everything was going fine. then I asked if I could be a priest and I swear I could feel the GM getting nervous
1 months ago 2
robotic arm pic of the day https://images.plurk.com/75yvydeWfmAJTvX9cYDXLa.jpg https://images.plurk.com/3lmFbtNiVAeQRrk7W3q3oT.jpg and the cutting edge pc that runs it. can you believe it? a 3.5 floppy drive. that's 2.5 better than a 1 floppy drive!