vtuber: I'm watching pipkin interact with Mina Vanilla, one of the flaVR members. apparently her husband is a streamer named Millardo BeerCraft and that's such a great screen name I'm angry I didn't think of it first
rant: After they removed the lymph nodes from Cecilia, we wanted clear cancer cancer clear. We got clear cancer cancer cancer. which means it could have spread so they're doing a shit ton of preventative measure. One of them is an injection every 3 months for two years that induces 'flu like symptoms.' It's a little nerve wracking if I'm being honest
VTM: doing my bullshit conspiracy podcast for the month. the premise is that we're in a simulation and facebook is a conspiracy by lizard men to archive personal data after a coding error happened in the post apocalyptic future. There are players who said they would go postal if my character died and they lost these podcasts
i'm so tired this morning. I had to take 2 hour naps each day and I still feel this fucked. I think this is where I say 'i'm not as young as I used to be."