16Friends 346Fans
female Ashtabula, OH, United States
I'm a stay @ home mom married to a lovely man and mother to an insanely dramatic little girl. Life is good!
HattieLou says
14 years ago
Go us! Chad, I, Katie, Paul & Mo painted Cyn's bedroom this weekend. A few touch ups over the next day or so & she should be moved
HattieLou says
14 years ago
I got a new rug cleaner!Y!
HattieLou says
14 years ago
How u know I'm a housewife....I'm ecstatic that Chad is buying me a rug cleaner 2night. Yay!
HattieLou says
14 years ago
Cyn doing what she normally does....Talk! pingfmmedia.s3.amazonaws...
HattieLou says
14 years ago
Bowling @ St. A's 2day. Cyn's school has a once a month bowling field trip during winter months. Should be fun!
HattieLou says
14 years ago
Court is cancelled today on account of my lawyer having the flu. So, it will be rescheduled & we'll have to wait even longer. This sucks!
HattieLou says
14 years ago 1
HattieLou says
14 years ago
Look Mo! Its BPco pingfmmedia.s3.amazonaws...
HattieLou says
14 years ago
Playing DS in the dark while mom & Chad get gas. pingfmmedia.s3.amazonaws...
HattieLou says
14 years ago
Chad: "Why are you doing that?" Me: "Just wanted to pretend I was a cat."