帕西雷尼 Karma: 77.79
not stating / other
- New Taipei, Taiwan
瓦爾拉德 Karma: 105.46
- Taiwan
帕特 Karma: 87.15
not stating / other
- Taiwan
伊夫羅尼爾 Karma: 96.07
not stating / other
- 霍格華茲雷文克勞學院, Taiwan
日日|蘇酥 Karma: 103.03
not stating / other
- Taiwan
Alex / 海䴌 Karma: 89.00
not stating / other
- New Taipei, Taiwan
【潛水中】Easte Karma: 81.94
not stating / other
- Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry