Tha Princess
6Friends 2Fans
female Somewhere, Second Life, United States
Just a crazy girl from the good old world of SL. Tired of being bored and thought I would see about making some new friends!
Tha Princess shares
11 years ago Lookie what mommy got for her birthday! I got a new daddy! lol
Tha Princess is
11 years ago
looking for an extremely good photography studio to have a couples pic done. My big is gettin married and i want a nice invite picture done ... suggestions?
Tha Princess is
11 years ago
looking for a good teen shape...anyone wanna help me out? i want to look like im actually 16 and not mini adult!
Tha Princess is
11 years ago
exhausted today...hate having teeth worked on! I am calling it a night early you all!
Tha Princess is
11 years ago 1
bleh bleh bleh...So tired of going to tha mouth hurts and im tired from tha pain pills...heading to bed now D:
Tha Princess is
11 years ago
at a loss...idk what tha heck to get from the skin fair. I have seen so many I like! Any suggestions before I buy something?
Tha Princess says
11 years ago
Hate being sick...lil man gave me the crud... D:
Tha Princess says
11 years ago
Feel like crap...have not stopped moving since I got up at many patients today .. and all I wanna do is sleep :-(
Tha Princess is
11 years ago 1
so very very tired! Got the new computer all hooked up and so tired i dont even wanna use it...i HATE being sickies D:
Tha Princess says
11 years ago 3
Thanks to shawna n her sleep over....I had to go get just sitting in tha drive thru >.< lols