going to be very busy this week. Daily practices then Tuesday, practice in Al Shaab. Then, Thursday, general practices with other schools.
ohaio gazaimasu!
La Salle is LOVE. HAHA. I love HiS jersey knina.
going to be competing with other schools in Cheerdance 3 TIMES! Whoooopeeee!
sushi, anime, kawaii, JAPANESE *language and stuffs* && korean people. And of course, c***-kun!
SUPER DUPER TIRED. Exams is moved to February! YAYY`
gonna` sleep now. I'm kind of drooling, *is that the right word?* Hahaha! (dance) I'ma see kuya C***-kun tomorrow. HAPPY!
built a new account. The other one is getting messier and messier each and every single day.