Unique Jewelry
2Friends 7Fans
female Toronto, ON, Canada
I am the jewelry designer of Handmade Jewelry, Unique Jewelry, Wholesale Handmade... specializing in handmade jewelry with animal, wildlife, western, nature, horse jewelry and Native American jewelry themes on handmade earrings, bracelets, necklaces, lockets, rings.
Unique Jewelry likes
6 years ago
Handmade earrings created in animal & wildlife designs Wildlife Earrings, Animal Earrings, Wholesale Wildli... https://images.plurk.com/5Uxsb7i59MR8bnnysH0ROC.jpg https://images.plurk.com/2XWDg2vK8Lv785PfgjVkPZ.jpg
Unique Jewelry likes
6 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/6YTBXbfxaideoagrl78Z9K.jpg https://images.plurk.com/3gjvuFMV9gNdg9XTxPLOr5.jpg
Unique Jewelry
12 years ago
Unique Jewelry shares
12 years ago
Unique Jewelry likes
12 years ago
We just finished our new handmade jewelry designs. Would you please visit our handmade jewelry website www.copperreflections.co... and let us know how you like them.
Unique Jewelry
12 years ago
Unique Jewelry shares
13 years ago
Handmade Jewelry www.copperreflections.co...