Writing Junkie
16Friends 18Fans
female Columbia, MO, United States
Videogame addict. Loves books and art. Is online far more than is probably good. Has fallen into the Axis Powers Hetalia fandom, with no signs of climbing out yet. Reads and writes entirely too much fanfic, and needs to stay off tumblr.
Writing Junkie
11 years ago 15
peeks in
Writing Junkie
11 years ago
noooo, weather behave! I'm supposed to go out in a couple hours! DX
Writing Junkie
11 years ago 1
okay, here and present for a bit. what's shaking, people?
Writing Junkie
11 years ago 4
made lasagna for dinner. it's in the oven now, who wants some? XD
Writing Junkie
11 years ago 16
/waves at everyone
Writing Junkie
11 years ago 5
I'm making cheddar beer soup, minus the beer, and throwing some rice into it. also making hot tea. I feel like crap, someone come cuddle with me. :-(
Writing Junkie
12 years ago 2
backing stuff up onto the external harddrive. have named the new lappy Fran, after Fran Drescher. :3
Writing Junkie
12 years ago 1
I need suggestions for a laptop name.
Writing Junkie
12 years ago 7
STILL ALIVE. /crawls onto plurk
Writing Junkie
12 years ago 13
update regarding life. still no new laptop yet, long story, I hate wal-mart. :|