2Friends 15Fans
female Mankato, MN, United States
I love Japan and the language. I want to teach there someday if life permits me to. I may be in my mid twenties but I like anime and find it a great way to practice my Japanese. I also play World of Warcraft.

Kerensa says
15 years ago
I wanna be a POP STAR. 君をもっと夢中にさせてあげるからね。キラキラのPOPSTAR.羽を広げ 魔法をかけてあげよう~。
15 years ago
kyo wa watashi no onaka ga itakute, atama ga bo-bo- shite, ashi ga zukizuki shiteimasu.
15 years ago
ima watashi no arubaito ni imasu yo. ogyakusan ga inaaaaai! ogyakusan, hayaku kitekudasai ne! takusan kutsu utekudasai! yasui desu yo!
Kerensa says
15 years ago
Ugh. Men.
Kerensa shares
15 years ago やだ!別の吹雪!春来てください!
Kerensa shares
15 years ago お握りを作った。お握りの中に梅干がある。美味しい、美味しい。
Kerensa wants
15 years ago
to finish Terra's story in Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep. Next is Van!
Kerensa says
15 years ago
well work is uneventful. I need more customers! Also nothing good in the paper...
Kerensa says
15 years ago
I really need to pick up practicing Japanese again. It's slipping... at least the reading and writing part. Listening is still OK.
Kerensa says
15 years ago