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Althea Brooks - The City

Temporary Character List: At TheSunSingsForThem tumblr. Tumblr
Ugh, I hate this, but I think I have to just drop and accept that. Real life has destroyed my focus and even the most interesting events ever haven't been able to help me drag myself back. I'm absolutely okay with headcanoning this month and event stuff and then having her disappear at the end of the month, and unfriending amnesty applies. Sorry ;A;
Writing? In this economy? Okay it's not likely, but it DID happen!
I have been trying for the past WEEK to write something already and i'm just stuck like
I've been sitting here for nearly 2 hours zoning out and watching videos on diseases and mental illnesses by the Into the Shadows youtuber, send help
Okay i'm TRYING to get some semblance of writing ability back to do stuff today but I just realized that the reason I feel so exhausted is because I slept like 3 hours the past couple nights so if I pass out sorry LOL
okay so, the idea of posting on the event ooc plotting thing is overwhelming me, so first i'm going to ask here if anyone wants to do anything with althea and put my thoughts in order
Ugh, I might have to take another hiatus from everything and I'm putting it off as long as I can and I just don't know. >_<
STARSET - TRIALS (reimagine)random althea song for plurk, and also just a freaking amazing sounding song.
so I had no internet all day yesterday, there's maintenance in and out to work on AC and other things, I feel SUPER out of the loop on everything :"D
SORRY i've been so not here and sporadic, I've been job hunting as well and I've actually had a few interviews recently! Though I don't think any of them are going particularly well so far, it's nice to finally feel like I'm getting somewhere. XD